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Book Reviews: Blog2
  • Writer's pictureGrace Nask

Day 25 - Who, Exactly, Rules the World?

Hey guys! Grace Nask here with Day 25 of the April Challenge. Today we have Who, Exactly, Rules the World?, a poem for all ages. It's about society's standards and hierarchy. So let's get to it!

For Jr.

Who, Exactly, Rules the World?

Our world is crumbling as easily as

A sandcastle on the beach, with

Darker flecks commingled with lighter ones,

But most are a shade in between.

Our world is crumbling as easily as

A child who wants to play.

They play

And play

And then get pushed away.

Our world is crumbling, that much is true.

But do not fear the darkness--oh no!--fear

The Silence.


Claws through the earth unseen, unnoticed, unheeded.

Choking everything in its path from

The largest rumbling to the smallest squeak.


Can destroy the world forever.

Do not think

That you must be at the top of the mountain,

Seeing the bright view, to

Shout on the hilltops. It’s better to talk now then

Later. If there is a later.

Most are at the foot of the mountain, unseen, unnoticed, unheeded

But we see;

We notice;

We heed.

We watch the foundations crack and groan

Because we’re not distracted by the view.


Is nothing. It cannot survive without

The absence of a voice. So if one voice

Shouts against it

It is already dead.

Imagine--just imagine--what a

Crescendo of voices do?

Our world is crumbling from its very foundations.

And we must pick up the loose stones

Thrown down by the people on the hilltops.

Every last one or

Inherit the lightning struck down on their high place.

But when we stand together and fill in




You better believe the view at the top.

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